Day 1 of 80 Day Obsession!

Day 1 of 80
January 15, 2018

First off I will post what food we had for today and what times. 

Emily's food schedule:

8am: Meal 1- Overnight Oats

11am: Meal 2- Sugar Snap Peas and carrots

2pm: Meal 3- Whole Wheat Wrap, tsp of hummus, spinach, cucumber, tomatoes, turkey burger. 

4pm: Meal 4- Blood Orange

6:30pm: Meal 5 (Pre-workout meal)- Stuffed Pepper Soup 

7:30pm: Total Body Core 60 min Workout

8:30pm: Meal 6 (Post Workout Meal) Whole Grain Cereal, Yogurt, 1/2 banana, and tomatoes. 


Eric's Food Schedule didn't go as well because he had a paid for business lunch. He had 2/3 of a salad from Panera for lunch. He had overnight oats for breakfast. Then he'll continue on with Meal Pre- workout meal and so on with me. 

The workout was pretty hard in some areas. I hate the workout where you are in side plank on the side of your feet and have to lift one foot up in the air, I have no balance on my ankles because I've sprained them before. Hopefully by the end of 80 days I can do this. The hardest part was probably that is was a lot longer than we are used to so once we made it through one 30 min round we had to do it all over again for 30 mins. 

Things we couldn't do: Both of us couldn't do the side plank leg lift. 
I couldn't do the push ups in plank position but instead down on my knees. #onedayatatime #strongereveryday

Eric used 10's and 12's for weights and we both used light bands as recommended. 
I used 8's and 10's for weights. 
